Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on 08/16/11 09:32:43

IAM / Projects / UAF_Parking

Service: UAF Parking
Vendor: T2Systems
Sponsor: UAF Parking Office, Yolanda Esters UAF Parking Services Manager 907.474.2731 ymesters@…
Service Platform: unknown; hosted at UAF
Authentication: currently AuthServ; planning migration to CAS 2011.10-11
Authorization/attributes: unknown
Provisioning: unknown

On Tue, 2 Aug 2011, at 13:10 , Jane Smith wrote:


Yolanda asked me to go ahead and set up a time period in October or November for the transfer to CAS. She said she had discussed with you the new quote of $4050.00 so you can change that to an invoice and we can pay for that with our credit card. If the business office needs the credit card information they can call me at 907-474-6798 to receive that information. Let me know if you need anything else.

If you could keep David Bantz at OIT in the loop so we can coordinate dates and times that would be great. Thanks again.


On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Yolanda Esters <ymesters@…> wrote:

From: Sean Sheeran <SSheeran@…> Date: Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 7:07 AM Subject: UAF authentication method change To: "ymesters@…" <ymesters@…>

Hi Yolanda –

Here is a breakdown of the effort involved from our Development team for the CAS authentication. The total amount of hours expected is approximately 20, which consists of accessing servers, sort out the CAS authentication details (these can all be a bit different), set up the CAS Authentication, and assistance testing it.

With that said, I was able to get you a $450 discount. I’ve attached a revised quote. I hope this helps!


Sean Sheeran T2 Systems, Inc.


-- Yolanda Esters UAF Parking Services Manager 907.474.2731 ymesters@…:

2011-07-28 10:00: left voicemail for T2systems Customer Service 1-800-434-1502 (no customer service agent available); received a voicemail message back within an hour, and returned phone call to direct number provided: Joan Kimbley 317 524 7488 or 8000 434 1502 x7488

2011-07-28 11:00 - phoned direct number but could only leave voicemail; left another message including my cell number as well as desk number

2011-07-28 11:40 - return call from Joan; verified my contact data; Sean is account manager who prepared quote; case opened in T2System - will escalate to tech support. She noted that Pete Scott's status is "Away" so may be on leave.

2011-07-28/29: voicemail from Sean; returned call leaving my contact no's.

2011-08-01: Discussion with Kristen, T2Systems First line support person 317 524 3034 2011-08-01 She took names Jane Smith @ UA and Phil Scott @ T2; I referenced the quote Q-00558.

I asked for clarification on the scope of work to be done per that quote, and description of the current configuration, and technical contact to discuss implementing CAS.

On Fri, 22 Jul 2011, at 13:53 , David Bantz wrote:

Hello Pete Scott,

Jane Smith, your primary point of contact at Parking Services, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), has referred me to you for technical details concerning the integration of UAF's parking application from T2 with University of Alaska's central authentication - that is, enabling people to log in to this application with their standard UAF credentials.

For some time the application has been configured to use our in-house developed authentication protocol "AuthServ?." While this has worked well for several year, UAF has deprecated this in-house protocol in favor of industry standard central authentication protocols and products, namely SAML and Shibboleth. Migration to these standards-based tools will enable us to better support integration, provide even better protection for users credentials, and improve the user experience for users because the same interface and protocol is used for many services.

My understanding is that the Quotation Q-00558 is intended to cover the cost of conversion from AuthServ? to SAML authentication. In any case, I would like to discuss both the current configuration for authenticating users and the requirements for transitioning to use of SAML and Shibboleth.

If this message should be re-directed to someone else, I will appreciate you forwarding this request and replying to tell me who I need to work with.

Thank you,

David Bantz <db@…> Chief Information Architect; Manager, Identity & Access Management Services University of Alaska Office of Information Technology ✉ 103 Butrovich, 910 Yukon Dr, Fairbanks, AK 99775-5320 ✆ +1 907 450 8314 (o) +1 907 460 6321 (m)