Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of UAInCPOP.html

06/20/11 14:47:54 (14 years ago)



  • UAInCPOP.html

    v2 v3  
    230 [1] Such permission already might be implied by existing contractual agreements. 
    231 [2] Your responses to these questions should be posted in a readily accessible place on your web site, and the URL submitted to InCommon.  If not posted, you should post contact information for an office that can discuss it privately with other InCommon Participants as needed.  If any of the information changes, you must update your on-line statement as soon as possible. 
    232 [3] A general note regarding attributes and recommendations within the Federation is available here: 
    233 [4] "Member" is one possible value for eduPersonAffiliation as defined in the eduPerson schema.  It is intended to include faculty, staff, student, and other persons with a basic set of privileges that go with membership in the university community (e.g., library privileges).  “Member of Community” could be derived from other values in eduPersonAffiliation or assigned explicitly as “Member” in the electronic identity database.  See 
     230[1] Such permission already might be implied by existing contractual agreements.[[br]] 
     231[2] Your responses to these questions should be posted in a readily accessible place on your web site, and the URL submitted to InCommon.  If not posted, you should post contact information for an office that can discuss it privately with other InCommon Participants as needed.  If any of the information changes, you must update your on-line statement as soon as possible.[[br]] 
     232[3] A general note regarding attributes and recommendations within the Federation is available here: [[br]] 
     233[4] "Member" is one possible value for eduPersonAffiliation as defined in the eduPerson schema.  It is intended to include faculty, staff, student, and other persons with a basic set of privileges that go with membership in the university community (e.g., library privileges).  “Member of Community” could be derived from other values in eduPersonAffiliation or assigned explicitly as “Member” in the electronic identity database.  See[[br]]