136 | | ||'''[https://shib.everfi.net/login/default.aspx?id=uakaedu AlcoholEdu ]''' || Alcohol effects / healthy decisions || ePPN, UAID, onemail, givenName, sn |
137 | | ||'''[https://secure.aleks.com/shiblogon/sso?entityID=urn:mace:incommon:alaska.edu&class_code=EPEVQ-MCT4K ALEKS]''' ||Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (proficiency tests)||eduPersonUniqueId, givenName, sn, displayName, email|| |
138 | | ||'''[https://idp.alaska.edu/idp/profile/SAML2/Unsolicited/SSO?providerId=urn%3Aamazon%3Awebservices Amazon Web Services]'''|| ||AWS role (specific LDAP group memberships) and AWS session id = uakPersonID|| |
139 | | ||'''[https://uaa-geomatics.maps.arcgis.com ArcGIS]'''||Mapping Platform (in process)||UA ID #|| |
140 | | ||'''[https://atomic.alaska.edu Atomic Learning]'''||(instructional videos)||surname, given name, UA ID#, ePPN, email, eduPersonAffiliation, and "!AtomicLearningCampus" (combined set of values of uakStudentCampus and uakEmployeeCampus|| |
141 | | ||'''[https://blastmentoring.chronus.com/login?auth_config_id=512 BLaST mentoring]'''|| ''''[https://alaska.edu/blast/ Biomedical Learning and Student Training]'''' ||ePUID, UA Username, onemail, displayName, givenName, sn|| |
142 | | ||''' [https://uaf.bluera.com/uaf Blue]'''||course evaluation; see explorance||bannerID|| |
143 | | ||''' [https://ualaska.cherwellondemand.com/cherwellclient/access Cherwell web client]'''||Cherwell ITSM web client ||ePPN, UA Username, banner ID, displayName, onemail|| |
144 | | ||'''[https://cilogin.org CI Login]''' ||secure access to multiple research tools & collaborations:[[BR]][https://portal.usatlas.org/SignIn ATLAS], [[BR]][https://portal.cvrgrid.org/ CardioCascular Research Grid], [[BR]][https://gologin.kbase.us/SignUp#step=signin&provider=cilogon.org DOE KBase], [[BR]][https://www.globus.org/SignIn#provider=cilogon.org Globus], [[BR]][https://portal.osgconnect.net/SignIn OSG Connect], [[BR]][http://www.cilogon.org/xsede XSEDE]||ePPN, eduPersonTargetedID, displayName, givenName, surname, email, eduPersonScopedAffiliation|| |
145 | | ||'''[http://community.uaf.edu community.uaf.edu]'''|| UAF Community (!WordPress) ||UA Username, sn, gevenName, onemail, UA ID#, displayName|| |
| 136 | ||'''!AlcoholEdu ''' || Alcohol effects / healthy decisions || ePPN, UAID, onemail, givenName, sn |
| 137 | ||''' ALEKS''' ||Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (proficiency tests)||eduPersonUniqueId, givenName, sn, displayName, email|| |
| 138 | ||'''Amazon Web Services'''|| ||AWS role (specific LDAP group memberships) and AWS session id = uakPersonID|| |
| 139 | ||'''Atomic Learning'''||(instructional videos)||surname, given name, UA ID#, ePPN, email, eduPersonAffiliation, and "!AtomicLearningCampus" (combined set of values of uakStudentCampus and uakEmployeeCampus|| |
| 140 | ||'''BLaST mentoring'''|| Biomedical Learning and Student Training ||ePUID, UA Username, onemail, displayName, givenName, sn|| |
| 141 | ||'''Blue'''||course evaluation; see explorance||bannerID|| |
| 142 | ||'''Cherwell web client'''||Cherwell ITSM web client ||ePPN, UA Username, banner ID, displayName, onemail|| |
| 143 | ||'''CI Login''' ||secure access to multiple research tools & collaborations:[[BR]] ATLAS, [[BR]]Research Grid, [[BR]] DOE KBase, [[BR]]Globus, [[BR]]OSG Connect, [[BR]]XSEDE||ePPN, eduPersonTargetedID, displayName, givenName, surname, email, eduPersonScopedAffiliation|| |
| 144 | ||''' community.uaf.edu'''|| UAF Community (!WordPress) ||UA Username, sn, gevenName, onemail, UA ID#, displayName|| |
150 | | ||'''[https://account-d.docusign.com/organizations/dc41b1e0-5bbd-4859-be88-c28699bc57d2/saml2/login/sp/65281021-a074-4e5b-ad2e-f3b8c100fd14 DocuSign DEMO instance]''' ||electronic signatures automatic account generation and login||ePUID, ePPN, givenName, surname, canonicalEmail|| |
151 | | ||'''[https://uaf.campus-training2.eab.com EAB Student Success Collaborative (UAF)]'''|| ||bannerID|| |
152 | | ||'''[https://sso.educause.edu/sp/startSSO.ping?PartnerIdpId=urn:mace:incommon:alaska.edu&TargetResource=https%3a%2f%2fsso-users.educause.edu%2f%2fACS%2fRecieveToken%3fTargetResource%3d%2fidp%2fczTyO%2fresumeSAML20%2fidp%2fstartSSO.ping EDUCAUSE]'''||(EDUCAUSE Portal)||eduPersonTargetedID (PersistentID), ePPN, surname, givenName, email, eduPersonScopedAffiliation (!affiliation@alaska.edu)|| |
153 | | ||'''[https://connect.alaska.edu eduroam set-up]''' ||eduroam roaming wireless network access||ePPN|| |
154 | | ||'''[https://university-of-alaska-stagingtest--staging.cs9.my.salesforce.com/ Enrollment RX]''' ||Student recruitment / on-boarding (in Salesforce) limited users||ePPN, ePUID|| |
155 | | ||'''[https://uaf.bluera.com/uaf explorance blue]''' ||course evaluation (UAF) ||bannerID|| |
156 | | ||'''[http://proxy.library.uaf.edu/login?auth=shibboleth&url=^U EZProxy]''' ||access to UAF Rasmuson Library licensed scholarly databases||ePPN, eduPersonAffiliation, uasystemid, uakStudentDept, uakStudentCampus, uakStudentMAU, uakEmployeeDept, uakEmployeeCampus, uakEmployeeMAU, uakStudentAffiliation, uakStudentDegree, uakEmployeeFacultyAffiliation|| |
157 | | ||'''[http://www.data180.com/faculty180/uaf Faculty180]''' ||Faculty Activity Reporting (UAF)||UA ID#, common name, givenName, surname, email|| |
158 | | ||'''[https://filesender.internet2.edu/Shibboleth.sso/Login?entityID=urn:mace:incommon:alaska.edu&target=https://filesender.internet2.edu/index.php?s=upload Filesender]''' ||Utility to send / receive / short term store files up to 1TB||ePPN, eduPersonScopedAffiliation, displayName, sn, givenName, mail|| |
159 | | ||'''[https://foodl.org/ Foodle]'''||simple surveys or polls and for scheduling meetings (select UA provider to login)||ePPN, sn, givenName, eduPersonScopedAffiliation, eduPersonAffiliation, onemail| |
160 | | ||'''[https://portal.geni.net/secure/home.php GENI Experimenter Portal]'''||Site for network researchers||ePPN, eduPersonScopedAffiliation, displayName, sn, givenName, mail[[BR]] |
161 | | ||'''Google PoC''' ||Google Apps for Higher Ed, including email, calendar, docs; currently only in proof-of-concept||UA Username|| |
162 | | ||'''[http://grinnell.alaska.edu/grouper Grouper @ UA]'''||Group & Privilege Management (proof of concept stage)||ePPN|| |
163 | | ||'''[https://shib.everfi.net/login/default.aspx?id=uakhaven Haven ]''' || Sexual Assault Awareness / Title 9 training || ePPN, UAID, onemail, givenName, sn |
164 | | ||'''[https://shib.everfi.net/login/default.aspx?id=uakhavenplus Haven Plus]''' || content specifically required by amendments to Clery Act || ePPN, UAID, onemail, givenName, sn |
165 | | ||'''[https://shib.everfi.net/login/default.aspx?id=uakhfs Haven for Faculty/Staff]''' || scenarios & examples re: sexual assault, domestic violence, and sexual harassment || ePPN, UAID, onemail, givenName, sn |
166 | | ||'''[https://idp.alaska.edu/idp/profile/SAML2/Unsolicited/SSO?providerId=https://www.healthyroads.com/saml/UniversityOfAlaska HealthyRoads]''' ||UA Wellness program for benefits-eligible employees||UA ID# and custom attribute|| |
167 | | ||'''[https://iam.alaska.edu/Shibboleth.sso/Login?target=https://iam.alaska.edu/trac IAM @ UA]''' ||this IAM wiki ||ePPN|| |
168 | | ||'''[https://www.indianactsi.org/login IndianaCTSI]''' ||research, research grant, and collaboration tools||ePPN (researchers will be promoted to provide name and email to the service)|| |
169 | | ||'''[http://infoed.alaska.edu InfoEd]''' ||research administration||ePPN, UA ID#|| |
170 | | ||'''[http://clients.intelex.com/alaska/logon.asp Intellex]''' ||Environmental Health & Safety training||UA Username, UA ID#, email|| |
171 | | ||'''[https://alaska.inteum.com/alaska/ Inteum Web]''' ||Intellectual Property||ePPN, ePUID, onemail, displayName|| |
172 | | ||'''[http://www.internet2.edu/ Internet2]''' ||research & education apps of Internet ||eduPersonAffiliation, email|| |
173 | | ||'''[https://lists.internet2.edu/sympa/ Internet2 email lists (Sympa)]''' ||subscription options, unsubscription, archives, list management ||eduPersonAffiliation, email|| |
174 | | ||'''[https://alaska.inteum.com/Alaska/inventorportal/ Inventor Portal]'''||disclosures - UAF-based inventions||ePPN, ePUID, onemail, displayName|||| |
175 | | ||'''[https://uas.kognito.com/login Kognito - UAS only]''' ||conversation & simulations re behavior||eduPersonUniqueID, displayName, canonicalEmail, group memberships indicating UAS student/employee|| |
| 149 | ||'''!DocuSign DEMO instance''' ||electronic signatures automatic account generation and login||ePUID, ePPN, givenName, surname, canonicalEmail|| |
| 150 | ||'''EAB Student Success Collaborative (UAF)'''|| ||bannerID|| |
| 151 | ||'''EDUCAUSE'''||(EDUCAUSE Portal)||eduPersonTargetedID (PersistentID), ePPN, surname, givenName, email, eduPersonScopedAffiliation (!affiliation@alaska.edu)|| |
| 152 | ||'''eduroam set-up''' ||eduroam roaming wireless network access||ePPN|| |
| 153 | ||'''Enrollment RX''' ||Student recruitment / on-boarding (in Salesforce) limited users||ePPN, ePUID|| |
| 154 | ||'''explorance blue''' ||course evaluation (UAF) ||bannerID|| |
| 155 | ||''' EZProxy''' ||access to UAF Rasmuson Library licensed scholarly databases||ePPN, eduPersonAffiliation, uasystemid, uakStudentDept, uakStudentCampus, uakStudentMAU, uakEmployeeDept, uakEmployeeCampus, uakEmployeeMAU, uakStudentAffiliation, uakStudentDegree, uakEmployeeFacultyAffiliation|| |
| 156 | ||'''Faculty180''' ||Faculty Activity Reporting (UAF)||UA ID#, common name, givenName, surname, email|| |
| 157 | ||''' Filesender''' ||Utility to send / receive / short term store files up to 1TB||ePPN, eduPersonScopedAffiliation, displayName, sn, givenName, mail|| |
| 158 | ||'''GENI Experimenter Portal'''||Site for network researchers||ePPN, eduPersonScopedAffiliation, displayName, sn, givenName, mail[[BR]] |
| 159 | ||''' Haven ''' || Sexual Assault Awareness / Title 9 training || ePPN, UAID, onemail, givenName, sn |
| 160 | ||'''Haven Plus''' || content specifically required by amendments to Clery Act || ePPN, UAID, onemail, givenName, sn |
| 161 | ||'''Haven for !Faculty/Staff''' || scenarios & examples re: sexual assault, domestic violence, and sexual harassment || ePPN, UAID, onemail, givenName, sn |
| 162 | ||'''!HealthyRoads''' ||UA Wellness program for benefits-eligible employees||UA ID# and custom attribute|| |
| 163 | ||''' IAM @ UA''' ||this IAM wiki ||ePPN|| |
| 164 | ||'''IndianaCTSI''' ||research, research grant, and collaboration tools||ePPN (researchers will be promoted to provide name and email to the service)|| |
| 165 | ||'''!InfoEd''' ||research administration||ePPN, UA ID#|| |
| 166 | ||''' Intellex''' ||Environmental Health & Safety training||UA Username, UA ID#, email|| |
| 167 | ||''' Inteum Web''' ||Intellectual Property||ePPN, ePUID, onemail, displayName|| |
| 168 | ||''' Internet2''' ||research & education apps of Internet ||eduPersonAffiliation, email|| |
| 169 | ||''' Internet2 email lists (Sympa)''' ||subscription options, unsubscription, archives, list management ||eduPersonAffiliation, email|| |
| 170 | ||'''Inventor Portal'''||disclosures - UAF-based inventions||ePPN, ePUID, onemail, displayName|||| |
| 171 | ||''' Kognito - UAS only''' ||conversation & simulations re behavior||eduPersonUniqueID, displayName, canonicalEmail, group memberships indicating UAS student/employee|| |
177 | | ||'''[https://ualaska.leankit.com LeanKit]''' ||kanban board to visualize projects & work-flow||ePPN|| |
178 | | ||'''[https://cm.maxient.com/uaf Maxient]''' ||manage behavior records||ePPN, ePUID, givenName, sn, onemail|| |
179 | | ||'''[https://media.uaf.edu/user/login MediaSpace]''' ||view, upload, edit videos||UAID, givenName, sn, onemail, adIsMemberOf|| |
180 | | ||'''[https://mydraw.uaf.edu MyDraw]''' ||UAF Recreation, Adventure, and Wellness online courses|| bannerID || |
181 | | ||'''[https://myua.pageuppeople.com/ myUA HR dashboard]'''|| UA jobs ||bannerID|| |
182 | | ||'''[https://identity.research.gov/sso/UI/Login?module=nsf&env=prvw&app=portal NSF]''' ||National Science Foundation, including !FastLane for PIs (via Research.gov)||ePPN, given name, surname, common name, email|| |
| 173 | ||'''!LeanKit''' ||kanban board to visualize projects & work-flow||ePPN|| |
| 174 | ||'''Maxient''' ||manage behavior records||ePPN, ePUID, givenName, sn, onemail|| |
| 175 | ||'''!MediaSpace''' ||view, upload, edit videos||UAID, givenName, sn, onemail, adIsMemberOf|| |
| 176 | ||'''!MyDraw''' ||UAF Recreation, Adventure, and Wellness online courses|| bannerID || |
| 177 | ||'''NSF''' ||National Science Foundation, including !FastLane for PIs (via Research.gov)||ePPN, given name, surname, common name, email|| |
186 | | ||'''[https://orcid.org/signin?newlogin ORCID]'''||registry of researcher identifiers linking research activities||eduPersonScopedAffiliation, sn, transientId, ePPN, givenName, onemail, uakeduPersonAffiliation, eduPersonTargetedID|| |
187 | | ||'''[https://demo.origamirisk.com/origami/account/login?account=UofAK&sso=allow OrigamiRisk demo site]''' ||Risk Management tracking application||eduPersonUniqueId (Banner ID#), displayName, eduPersonAffiliation, assignmentCount, creditHoursCurrent, mail|| |
188 | | ||'''[https://live.origamirisk.com/origami/account/login?account=UofAK&sso=allow OrigamiRisk production site]''' ||Risk Management tracking application||eduPersonUniqueId (Banner ID#), displayName, eduPersonAffiliation, assignmentCount, creditHoursCurrent, mail|| |
189 | | ||'''[https://orgsync.com/sso_redirect/university-of-alaska-fairbanks OrgSync]'''||"connect with UAF organizations, events, involvement opportunities"||ePUID, ePPN, ePA, sn, givenName, onemail|| |
190 | | ||'''[https://uafparking.t2hosted.com/Account/Manage Parking @ UAF]'''||Parking permits ||ePPN, UA ID#|| |
191 | | ||'''[https://unialaska.dc4.pageuppeople.com/ PageUp People]'''|| UA jobs ||bannerID|| |
192 | | ||'''[https://people.alaska.edu/Shibboleth.sso/Login?target=https%3A%2F%2Fpeople.alaska.edu%2Findex.php%3F People.alaska.edu]'''||web gateway for UA Enterprise Directory||uaUsername|| |
193 | | ||'''[https://radius.alaska.edu/admin RADIUS]'''||UA RADIUS admin interface||ePA|| |
194 | | ||'''[https://www.getrave.com/Shibboleth.sso/Login?entityID=urn:mace:incommon:alaska.edu Rave]'''||emergency communications||ePUID, ePPN, ePA|| |
195 | | ||'''[https://login.terena.org/wayf/module.php/discopower/disco.php?entityID=https%3A%2F%2Fterena.org%2Fsp&return=https%3A%2F%2Flogin.terena.org%2Fwayf%2Fmodule.php%2Fsaml%2Fsp%2Fdiscoresp.php%3FAuthID%3D_6d3d1e5cc436a26909e10ccc1e4713b3a2e95f32be%253Ahttps%253A%252F%252Flogin.terena.org%252Fwayf%252Fsaml2%252Fidp%252FSSOService.php%253Fspentityid%253Dhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Flists.refeds.org%2526cookieTime%253D1465839796%2526RelayState%253Dss%25253Amem%25253Ad70ebc6eacbc737150f3cdca33dfe194893cb50cb819743663db20812879460c&returnIDParam=idpentityid&idpentityid=urn%3Amace%3Aincommon%3Aalaska.edu REFEDS mailing lists]'''||from GÉANT, European research & education || ePPN, sn, givenName, eduPersonScopedAffiliation, eduPersonAffiliation, onemail| |
196 | | ||'''[https://identity.research.gov/sso/UI/Login?module=nsf&env=prvw&app=portal Research.gov]'''||NSF, NASA, & Grants.gov (pick UA from organization list||ePPN, given name, surname, common name, email|| |
197 | | ||'''[https://access.sans.org/go/alaska SANS Securing the Human]'''||Security training & certification||ePPN, ePUID, givenName, surname, canonicalEmail|| |
198 | | ||'''[https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/Shibboleth.sso/Login?entityID=urn:mace:incommon:alaska.edu&target=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.shibboleth.net%2Fconfluence%2Fdashboard.action&os_destination=%2Fdashboard.action Shibboleth.net]'''||wiki and issues tracking for Shibboleth project||ePPN, givenName, sn, cn || |
199 | | ||'''[https://spaces.internet2.edu/Shibboleth.sso/Login?target=https%3A%2F%2Fspaces.internet2.edu%2Fdashboard.action&os_destination=%2Fdashboard.action Spaces]''' ||Internet2 wiki at spaces.internet2.edu||ePPN, eduPersonEntitlement and standard values of eduPersonAffiliation|| |
200 | | ||'''[https://staffcouncil.uaf.edu/cgi-bin/nominate.pl Staff Council @ UAF]'''||Nominate candidates for UAF Staff Council ||UA ID#, given name, surname, email, telephone number, employee type, TKL, title, employee affiliation|| |
201 | | ||'''[https://studyabroad.uaf.edu/ Study Abroad @ UAF]'''|| (click "Student Login") ||UA ID#, given name, surname, email || |
202 | | ||'''[https://account.uat.turningntechnologies.com/ TurningTechnologies (test)]'''||interactive learning tools and measurements||ePPN, eduPUI, displayName, givenName, sn|| |
203 | | ||'''[https://iam.alaska.edu/Shibboleth.sso/Login?target=https://iam.alaska.edu/trac Trac]''' ||wiki, technical documentation and internal tracking for IAM-related projects||ePPN|| |
204 | | ||'''[https://uaaalaska.afford.com/SAC/SingleSignOn Tuition Management]'''||Tuition Management / payment plans for students||eduPersonUniqueID, eduPersonTargetedID, displayName, sn, givenName, UAID, onemail || |
| 181 | ||'''ORCID'''||registry of researcher identifiers linking research activities||eduPersonScopedAffiliation, sn, transientId, ePPN, givenName, onemail, uakeduPersonAffiliation, eduPersonTargetedID|| |
| 182 | ||'''!OrigamiRisk demo site''' ||Risk Management tracking application||eduPersonUniqueId (Banner ID#), displayName, eduPersonAffiliation, assignmentCount, creditHoursCurrent, mail|| |
| 183 | ||'''!OrigamiRisk production site''' ||Risk Management tracking application||eduPersonUniqueId (Banner ID#), displayName, eduPersonAffiliation, assignmentCount, creditHoursCurrent, mail|| |
| 184 | ||'''!OrgSync'''||"connect with UAF organizations, events, involvement opportunities"||ePUID, ePPN, ePA, sn, givenName, onemail|| |
| 185 | ||'''Parking @ UAF'''||Parking permits ||ePPN, UA ID#|| |
| 186 | ||'''!PageUp People'''|| UA jobs ||bannerID|| |
| 187 | ||'''People.alaska.edu'''||web gateway for UA Enterprise Directory||uaUsername|| |
| 188 | ||'''RADIUS'''||UA RADIUS admin interface||ePA|| |
| 189 | ||'''Rave'''||emergency communications||ePUID, ePPN, ePA|| |
| 190 | ||'''REFEDS mailing lists'''||from GÉANT, European research & education || ePPN, sn, givenName, eduPersonScopedAffiliation, eduPersonAffiliation, onemail| |
| 191 | ||'''Research.gov'''||NSF, NASA, & Grants.gov (pick UA from organization list||ePPN, given name, surname, common name, email|| |
| 192 | ||'''SANS Securing the Human'''||Security training & certification||ePPN, ePUID, givenName, surname, canonicalEmail|| |
| 193 | ||''' Shibboleth.net'''||wiki and issues tracking for Shibboleth project||ePPN, givenName, sn, cn || |
| 194 | ||'''Spaces''' ||Internet2 wiki at spaces.internet2.edu||ePPN, eduPersonEntitlement and standard values of eduPersonAffiliation|| |
| 195 | ||''' Staff Council @ UAF'''||Nominate candidates for UAF Staff Council ||UA ID#, given name, surname, email, telephone number, employee type, TKL, title, employee affiliation|| |
| 196 | ||'''Study Abroad @ UAF'''|| (click "Student Login") ||UA ID#, given name, surname, email || |
| 197 | ||'''!TurningTechnologies (test)'''||interactive learning tools and measurements||ePPN, eduPUI, displayName, givenName, sn|| |
| 198 | ||'''Trac''' ||wiki, technical documentation and internal tracking for IAM-related projects||ePPN|| |
| 199 | ||'''Tuition Management'''||Tuition Management / payment plans for students||eduPersonUniqueID, eduPersonTargetedID, displayName, sn, givenName, UAID, onemail || |