== [[https://iam.alaska.edu/shib|Shibboleth]] / Shibboleth SP Setup ==
This page documents installing a Shibboleth SP.
UA Supported Configurations:
* Apache or IIS on Windows
* Apache on Linux
* Shibboleth SP Version 2.4.2
1. Download and install the appropriate installers/packages.
* Windows: (It is recommended to use the MSIs.)
* [[http://www.shibboleth.net/downloads/service-provider/latest/win32/|Latest 32-bit Windows Installer Packages]]
* [[http://www.shibboleth.net/downloads/service-provider/latest/win64/|Latest 64-bit Windows Installer Packages]]
* Linux: (It is recommended to use a binary repo.)
* [[http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security://shibboleth/|Binary RPMs]]
* [[http://www.shibboleth.net/downloads/service-provider/latest/SRPMS/|Source RPMs]]
2. Configure the SP
1. Remove and regen the SP keys.
* Linux:
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# pwd
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# rm -rf sp-key.pem sp-cert.pem
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# ./keygen.sh
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'sp-key.pem'
* Windows: TBD
2. Download and setup the IdP's metadata. Check config for correct syntax.
* Linux:
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# wget https://idp.alaska.edu/idp-metadata.xml
--2011-06-27 15:50:17-- https://idp.alaska.edu/idp-metadata.xml
Resolving idp.alaska.edu...
Connecting to idp.alaska.edu||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 6973 (6.8K) [application/xml]
Saving to: `idp-metadata.xml'
100%[===================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 6,973 --.-K/s in 0s
2011-06-27 15:50:17 (302 MB/s) - `idp-metadata.xml' saved [6973/6973]
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# pwd
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# vi shibboleth2.xml
SAML2 Local
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# shibd -t
overall configuration is loadable, check console for non-fatal problems
* Windows: TBD
3. Setup EntityID for SP. Note the entityID for the SP is _NOT_ a URL. It is a unique string that identifies your SP and is usually based off of the hostname of the system. It may also be a CNAME for the system.
* Linux:
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# hostname
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# pwd
[root@idmt-1 shibboleth]# vi shibboleth2.xml