
Version 2 (modified by jpmitchell@…, 14 years ago) (diff)


Shibboleth / Setup SP Relying Party

This page documents how to setup an SP's relying party configuration in the IdP.

  1. Check out the relying-party.xml config file from the shib-svn repository in the shib-svn/idp/conf directory.
  1. Add the SP's metadata to the shib-svn repository in the shib-svn/idp/metadata directory.
  1. Add a stanza in the relying-party.xml config file to import the SP's metadata.
    john@fearless:~$ vi relying-party.xml
             <!-- metadata -->
            <MetadataProvider id="" xsi:type="ResourceBackedMetadataProvider"
                <MetadataResource xsi:type="resource:FilesystemResource"
                    file="/opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/iam-metadata.xml" />
  1. Commit the new metadata file and the changed relying-party.xml file into the shib-svn repository.
  1. Test and update the Shibboleth IdPs? with the following procedure.
