== [[https://iam.alaska.edu/shib|Shibboleth]] / Setup SP Relying Party == This page documents how to setup an SP's relying party configuration in the IdP. 1. Check out the relying-party.xml config file from the shib-svn repository in the shib-svn/idp/conf directory. 2. Add the SP's metadata to the shib-svn repository in the shib-svn/idp/metadata directory. 3. Add a stanza in the relying-party.xml config file to import the SP's metadata. {{{ john@fearless:~$ vi relying-party.xml ... :wq! }}} 4. Commit the new metadata file and the changed relying-party.xml file into the shib-svn repository. 5. Test and update the Shibboleth IdPs with the following procedure.