Update UA IdP to release attributes to Kuali Ready v. 2.0 2012-08-06
1. Determine that the staging IdP on howkan is a working clone of the production IdP
2. Create attribute resolver for UA ID# scoped (30123456@alaska.edu) in /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/attribute-resolver.xml
3. Modify attribute filter (/opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/attribute-filter.xml in standard install) to add the the following release policy
releasing uakPersonID to Kuali Ready staging service.
3.1 Modify local hosts file to point to howkan; test the staging idp by pointing browser to:
3.2 Coordinate with Kai Hsieh to verify or correct as needed.
3.3 Comment out the modification to the local hosts file.
4. Upon successful staging, create service "modification/outage" notice; at scheduled time,
[Need to verify hanin is near enough a clone of heald that it works as production IdP!]
4.1 modify attribute-filter.xml on the hot standby server (hanin) with production version of release policy:
4.2 Restart the IdP
3.3 Test by editing /etc/hosts to point idp to hanin, pointing browser to
5. If successful, switch equalizer to designate hanin as active, then use same change process on heald
6. Check the new attribute-resolver and attribute-filter.xml file into the subversion repository on iron.