=== [[https://iam.alaska.edu/|IAM]] / [[https://iam.alaska.edu/projects|Projects]] / [[https://iam.alaska.edu/shib|Shibboleth]] / [[ServiceCandidates|Service Integrations]] / Atomic Learning === After a period of CAS authentication (using CASShib), Atomic Learning added support for SAML / Shibboleth. Licensing is campus-based, originally only a couple of UAF campuses; as of June 2013, all UAA and UAF campuses are licensed; students and employees at any of these campuses are authorized to use Atomic Learning. The SAML assertion to Atomic Learning includes campus affiliation(s) of the authenticated user - see the qualification below. Other attributes released are EPPN, BannerID, email, surname, givenName, and a scoped version of eduPersonAffiliation (like !student@alaska.edu or !faculty@alaska.edu). Atomic Learning only consumes the "first" attribute value in the multi-valued attribute containing campus affiliation(s). To prevent inappropriate denial of access for those with multiple campus affiliations including non-licensed campuses, UA added a release policy that filters and only releases the values of campus names explicitly licensed: {{{                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                }}} Note that the ampersand in one value has to be XML encoded as &