
Version 24 (modified by dabantz@…, 12 years ago) (diff)


Projects / IAM Project Hosts

IAM hosts and their main function/purpose.

Host Function Platform Purpose
alligatorCASSHIB CAS Prod Standby Hosts CAS to SAML Bridge IdP/SP
amazonCASSHIB CAS Prod Master Hosts CAS to SAML Bridge IdP/SP
grinnellGrouper PoC serverRHEL 6.2 VM Hosts Grouper PoC deployment; Unicon consultant access
haninShibboleth SAML Prod Master Hosts UA SAML IdP
healdShibboleth SAML Prod Standby Hosts UA SAML IdP
howkanShibboleth SAML Stage Master Hosts UA SAML IdP for testing/staging changes
idmp-0Sun LDAP Prod Master Hosts UA Enterprise Directory
idmp-1Sun LDAP Prod Master Hosts UA Enterprise Directory
idmp-2Sun LDAP Prod Master Hosts UA Enterprise Directory
idmp-3Sun LDAP Prod Master Hosts UA Enterprise Directory
idmp-4Sun LDAP Prod Master Hosts UA Enterprise Directory
idmp-5Sun LDAP Prod Master Hosts UA Enterprise Directory
idmp-6Sun LDAP Prod Master Hosts UA Enterprise Directory
idmp-7Sun LDAP Prod Master Hosts UA Enterprise Directory
idmp-dr-0Sun LDAP remote DR instance UA Enterprise Directory @ DR site
idmq-1Sun LDAP Stage Master BEIS Hosts UA Enterprise Directory for testing/staging changes
idmq-2Sun LDAP Stage Master BEIS Hosts UA Enterprise Directory for testing/staging changes
idmt-1IAM Test Server Hosts UA IAM Test/Development
idmt-2IAM Test Server Hosts UA IAM Test/Development
nadinaFree Radius Prod Standby Hosts UA IAM Radius Instance
nahFree Radius Prod Master Hosts UA IAM Radius Instance
nowherePeople Stage Master Hosts UA EDIR replacement People
pyritePeople Prod Master Hosts
pattonPeople Prod Master Hosts People
hannahAKDeC consortium Host for AKDEC identity federation
harrietAKDeC consortium Host for AKDEC identity federation
ironIAM wiki RHEL 6.1 VM Host for UA IAM wiki
innerIAM wiki RHEL 6.1 VM intended for internal only wiki