View Source * Semester Rollover Maintenance * Extract processing depends on chains of modules that run in Applications Manager or !AppMgr. The primary chain (EDIR_EXT_YYYYSS_RPTP) fires the other chains or modules in !AppMgr that are required to pull new data from RPTP every evening. Current processing times are 4:30am on everyday except Saturday which is 7:30am. Every semester this chain must be rolled over and updated with the current semester range and scheduled date ranges for proper operation. The chain is named with a four digit year and 2 two digit semester. The following describes that procedure: 1. Execute the !AppMgr Java client and login. 2. Find the chain with the chain search button. 3. Copy the current EDIR_EXT_YYYSS_RPTP chain and rename it appropriately and give it a good description. Note that the schedules should be copied to preserve execution times. 4. Open the newly copied chain, navigate to the components tab, select the LDAP_EXTRACT_RPTP module, and select the prompts tab for that module. 5. Update the Qualifying and Current Term values for the chain.  The values contain a four digit year followed by a two digit semester. The semester value is allowed to be one, two, or three and must be prefixed with a zero. The qualifying term is one year back so it is the three semesters back from the current term.