This document explains the installation steps for the PSP. Here's an overview of how it was configured:
1. The PSP writes data to the directory installed on grinnell.
2. Group objects are created for each Grouper group (excluding the etc folder) in ou=grouper,ou=group,dc=alaska,dc=edu.
3. The "bushy" structure is used.
== Prepare LDAP ==
1. Create the base DN that we're using to store groups in LDAP.
[oracle@grinnell ~]$ ldapmodify -a -h localhost -p 1389 -D "cn=directory manager" -W
Enter LDAP Password:
dn: ou=grouper,ou=group,dc=alaska,dc=edu
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: grouper
aci: (targetattr="*") (version 3.0; acl "Grouper Write Access";allow (add,delete,read,write,search,compare) (userdn="ldap:///uid=grouper03,ou=resource,dc=alaska,dc=edu" and ip="");)
adding new entry "ou=grouper,ou=group,dc=alaska,dc=edu"
== Install PSP ==
1. Download and copy the PSP to /tmp/ on grinnell. The tarball is located at
2. Extract and copy files. Note that we're using the generic LDAP example configuration as a starting point.
[root@grinnell ~]# cd /srv/grouper
[root@grinnell grouper]# ls
grouper.api-2.1.4 grouper.api-2.1.4.tar
[root@grinnell grouper]# mv /tmp/grouper.psp-2.1.4.tar.gz .
[root@grinnell grouper]# gunzip grouper.psp-2.1.4.tar.gz
[root@grinnell grouper]# tar xf grouper.psp-2.1.4.tar
[root@grinnell grouper]# cp /srv/grouper/grouper.psp-2.1.4/lib/custom/* /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/lib/custom/
[root@grinnell grouper]# cp /srv/grouper/grouper.psp-2.1.4/conf/psp-example-grouper-to-ldap/psp* /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/
[root@grinnell grouper]# cp /srv/grouper/grouper.psp-2.1.4/conf/psp-example-grouper-to-ldap/ /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/
== Configure PSP ==
1. Find the following properties in /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/ and update the values.
2. In the file /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/psp-services.xml, replace the Service element with id=ldap with the following:
is required to instantiate the , so supply a do-nothing resource. - ->
3. Create the file /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/psp-vt-ldap-1.xml with the following contents. Be sure to update the password. Also, note that this is connecting to the directory on grinnell using the non-SSL port 1389. If this was connecting to a directory on a remote machine, the SSL port should be used.
4. Find the following properties in /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/ and update the values. Properties need to be uncommented.
changeLog.consumer.psp.class = edu.internet2.middleware.psp.grouper.PspChangeLogConsumer
changeLog.consumer.psp.quartzCron = 0 * * * * ?
changeLog.psp.fullSync.class = edu.internet2.middleware.psp.grouper.PspChangeLogConsumer
changeLog.psp.fullSync.quartzCron = 0 0 5 * * ?
== Restart Grouper Daemon ==
[root@grinnell ~]# cd /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4
[root@grinnell grouper.api-2.1.4]# ps -ef | grep
root 5226 5225 0 08:51 pts/3 00:00:22 java -Xms64m -Xmx750m -Dgrouper.home=/srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/ -classpath /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf:/srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/dist/lib/grouper.jar:/srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/lib/grouper/*:/srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/lib/custom/*:/srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/lib/jdbcSamples/*:/srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/lib/ant/*:/srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/lib/test/*:/srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/dist/lib/test/*:/srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/src/resources: -loader
root 10073 5202 0 09:38 pts/3 00:00:00 grep
[root@grinnell grouper.api-2.1.4]# kill -9 5226
[root@grinnell grouper.api-2.1.4]# nohup ./bin/ -loader &
[1] 2217
[root@grinnell grouper.api-2.1.4]# nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'