This document explains the installation steps for the PSP. Here's an overview of how it was configured: 1. The PSP writes data to the directory installed on grinnell. 2. Group objects are created for each Grouper group (excluding the etc folder) in ou=grouper,ou=groups,dc=alaska,dc=edu. 3. The "bushy" structure is used. == Install PSP == 1. Download and copy the PSP to /tmp/ on grinnell. The tarball is located at 2. Extract and copy files. Note that we're using the generic LDAP example configuration as a starting point. {{{ [root@grinnell ~]# cd /srv/grouper [root@grinnell grouper]# ls grouper.api-2.1.4 grouper.api-2.1.4.tar [root@grinnell grouper]# mv /tmp/grouper.psp-2.1.4.tar.gz . [root@grinnell grouper]# gunzip grouper.psp-2.1.4.tar.gz [root@grinnell grouper]# tar xf grouper.psp-2.1.4.tar [root@grinnell grouper]# cp /srv/grouper/grouper.psp-2.1.4/lib/custom/* /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/lib/custom/ [root@grinnell grouper]# cp /srv/grouper/grouper.psp-2.1.4/conf/psp-example-grouper-to-ldap/psp* /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/ [root@grinnell grouper]# cp /srv/grouper/grouper.psp-2.1.4/conf/psp-example-grouper-to-ldap/ /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/ }}} == Configure PSP == 1. Find the following properties in /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/ and update the values. {{{ edu.vt.middleware.ldap.ldapUrl= edu.vt.middleware.ldap.bindDn= edu.vt.middleware.ldap.bindCredential= edu.vt.middleware.ldap.baseDn=dc=alaska,dc=edu edu.internet2.middleware.psp.groupsBaseDn=ou=grouper,ou=groups,dc=alaska,dc=edu edu.internet2.middleware.psp.peopleBaseDn=ou=people,dc=alaska,dc=edu }}} 2. In the file /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/psp-services.xml, replace the Service element with id=ldap with the following: {{{ --> }}} 3. Create the file /srv/grouper/grouper.api-2.1.4/conf/psp-vt-ldap-1.xml with the following contents. Be sure to update the password. Also, note that this is connecting to the directory on grinnell using the non-SSL port 1389. If this was connecting to a directory on a remote machine, the SSL port should be used. {{{ }}}